“ВУЗОВСКОЕ ПРЕПОДАВАНИЕ РУССКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ НА УРОКАХ РКИ В МЕЖКУЛЬТУРНОЙ ПЕРСПЕКТИВЕ” (Россия и мир: транснациональные коммуникации и взаимопроникновение культур. М.: Книгодел, 2022. C. 356—365). 

The purpose of this article is to offer new perspectives on the topic of Russian literature and RFL in intercultural terms. Having reviewed literature on RFL for the period from 2008 to 2021, the author concludes that even the most recent studies still rely on an essentialized and stereotyped idea of Russian culture and literature, which has important implications for RFL teaching. It is therefore suggested that only through a rethinking of the role of Russian literature based on new critical and transnational categories can RFL become a means for understanding Russian culture.

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